United by a quest for justice and a penchant for operating outside the constraints of conventional law, tackle cases that take them into the heart of danger, employing a mix of high-tech wizardry, strategic genius, and old-fashioned brawn

Innovation comes in small packages!

Meet the six sound designers of Digital Juice's SoundFX 3 library and hear about the philosophy and process behind building a product that is almost as varied as the team itself. Michael has produced 40+ product lines but this one became the company's "Best Seller".

United by a quest for justice and a penchant for operating outside the constraints of conventional law, tackle cases that take them into the heart of danger, employing a mix of high-tech wizardry, strategic genius, and old-fashioned brawn
From TV Shows, to Webisodes and Features, our team has been involved in some really cool projects!
We've Produced as much content for deep Network Executive Pockets as we did Just For FUN!

Our Team is a unique collective of filmmakers, designers and flying robots. Specializing in 2K/4K filming and photographic/video HD capture via Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).

Whether it's a Game, Commercial Spot or a Movie, Sound Effects and Music bring your project to Life!
Audio is without a doubt, the Most powerful tool an Editor has, to grab viewers attention, quicken their heartbeats and excite their senses.

From TV to Radio to YouTube and Facebook, producing high quality ads, is a MUST to capture your target audience.
From Concept, to Filming and beyond, we produce for YOU with one thing in mind: "To bring your message to life"


These SELL like Hotcakes! From Audio Books, to Corporate presentations, to complete Sound Effects and Music Libraries! We have produced some awesome products used globally for some key industry players!
Be it a Logo or even a whole new world to immerse your characters in! Utilizing the latest Green Screen techniques and taking advantage of some AWESOME, MUCH NEEDED computer power!